Thursday, September 21, 2006

A good place to start

Things came to a head recently when, as most of us do, I was trying to make sense of it all. In fact I was trying in vain to remember where I stood the day before yesterday on this issue or that, and whether I had been plain wrong, or just not as well informed as today. Once again I was muttering to myself darkly, and, as is frequently the case, found myself on an imaginary podium lecturing aloud into empty space, shouting at the sky.

Another news item, another desert of sound with 32 channels simultaneously broadcasting propaganda, comment, counter-comment, lies, misinformation and, eventually, the usual set of political compromises. A few days later, when the eye of the storm has passed over to a state of relative calm, we find ourselves wondering what the original issue was, and why we were moved at all to care in the first place...

Many a truth was said in jest, although most of us lack the artistic genius or the sharp wit of the political cartoonist, a cherished elite who dare to depict what no materially insecure citizen dares to say or write - well at least until the Blog came of age...


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